What are your fees?
I offer a free 15 min telephone consultation. More information on the cost of each service can be found under the 'SERVICES' section. Payment is usually by BACS on the day of the appointment. Fees include £5m insurance cover, annual enhanced DBS, membership fees, fortnightly supervision, at least 30 hours CPD a year, room hire/online costs, any materials in session etc.
How can I find out which service I need?
Use the free initial consultation to discuss your situation and to find out what might be best for you/your circumstances.
Do you have any availability?
I do not have capacity to take on any new work at present, however I'm always happy to offer a free initial consultation which could point you in the right direction. Or, you can join my waiting list.
Do you do evenings or weekends?
I have my own family so try and work 8am-4pm weekdays during term times. I will however do an odd evening, weekends or appointments in school holidays if absolutely necessary
How long are the sessions?
Whether online or in person, sessions usually last for 45 minutes (unless a different time is needed for therapeutic reasons).
What if I need to cancel?
Let me know as soon as possible and we can re-arrange. There may be a £20 cancellation fee but I will let you know if that's the case.
What about safeguarding, health & safety, communication, confidentiality and privacy?
Please read policy and procedures
Can you still do home visits during COVID?
Yes I still can by following government guidelines (see COVID guidelines)